Friday, July 24, 2009

MANHAND - Cool ~ Cool~

YEAH!! finally i found this CD in the market....
Cannot see it at Speedy Ipoh,KL Klang area (north and central part).. when i found it at south, cannot stop myself from grabbing it!!
Really no regret today I dropped by to a shopping mall instead of goin to snap photo randomly.
I OWN it now... i will no need to wait to listen to their songs at only 988FM already ~

Today got a colleage asked what song i play at my caller ringtone...Yeah! they are their songs!!
for those who don't know them , here i intro you guys - a rapper group from Malaysia.

Showhand is their 2nd album..Actually i know about them during their first album, yet don't attracted to their songs. And at this 2nd album, I was really crazily attracted to 3rd song from their album.

Their songs really play certain way of style...may be you will thought these are songs from HK....No No No! ~ See from the album at the photo below, they are 5 of them - 1 gal & 4 guys! They are going to HK for their music development...

Support Malaysian's rapper :D:D

I think i will fever of their CD for at least 2 weeks at my car , chuttt chuttt... phew~

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