Sunday, August 3, 2008


猜不透 你最近是好是坏 更沉默 我也不想去追问太多 让试探为彼此的心上了锁 猜不透 相处会比分开还寂寞 两个人都只是得过且过 无法感受每次触摸 是真的 是热的 如果忽远忽近的洒脱是你要的自由 那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果忽冷忽热的温柔是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过 猜不透 相处会比分开还寂寞 两个人都只是得过且过 无法感受每次触摸 是真的 是热的 如果忽远忽近的洒脱是你要的自由 那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果忽冷忽热的温柔是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过 到底这感觉谁对谁错 我已不想追究 越是在乎的人越是猜不透

歌手:丁当 歌曲:猜不透

I couldn't stop listening to this song...


ahfish said...

why u like this song so much?

dizzysoldercrunch said...

coz i think the lyric is stating very true about love affair... i thikn sometimes it will go to the state of hu ren hu re... making u feel like better stay alone..

afternoon tea said...

i think she sounds a bit like Landy, don't you think so ? But, the lyrics .... haih, so true.

dizzysoldercrunch said...

ying, strongly agree with u..
this song she perform like landy singing's style...
good singer