Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Ya, the relationship with father and with mother would be different for a lot of people.

Father spends a lot of time outside to earn hard money to grow us up, and mother be the one who nurtures us most of the time at home.

May be you would be not that close with father...but don't let this block you from loving him.

A meal, a gift or a hug will do....

See what way you like to express..
Happy father's day!

a tea set bought from purplecane


Falcon said...

Thats sweet..a tea set..he'll be happpy

dizzysoldercrunch said...

mm...i hope he likes it lah...
how is ur celebration?

afternoon tea said...

i forgot about that totally !! i am such a sui daughter :( overflood by reports ... i have lost my mind lah. but, nvm, after today i will be free as a bird ~~~ this weekend i will go to hotspring :) relax time !

dizzysoldercrunch said...

ying, doesnt matter.i can call back to ur daddy and wish him ger....